overcoming your fear of sharing jesus

Overcoming your fear of sharing Jesus

For many of us, sharing Jesus with our loved ones was scary! But it doesn't need to be. These simple tips should make it a whole lot easier! Learn more. 


Jesus tells us of His Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19).


Have you ever thought, "hey, it might have been fine then, but not now!  I mean, I've got a job to worry about, if I start sharing what will my co-workers think..."


I know that's how I used to feel.


As I sought help in church, I realized I wasn't alone.  And there were no real solutions either.


So, we decided to create one.  We started Sharing Lane.


We praise and thank God for using the work of our hands for good success, and we've received some amazing testimonies.


With all that's happening in the world right now, we decided that Sharing Lane needs to reach as many people as possible.  So we're taking it online.  


Every single one of us has had difficulties talking about Jesus Christ with a family member, friend or a neighbor.


This is even though we know that the majority of Americans believe that there is life after death and that most pre-believers live in terror of death.


People hunger to know how to get to heaven, but yet are afraid to ask or do not have the opportunity to encounter Christ.


We know that our Daddy God loves everyone, wants a personal relationship with us and has paved the way by giving us His only beloved Son Jesus.


Believers are the salt of the earth and light of the world, bearing witness to God’s infinite love through Jesus and for Him to work through us to bring others into His kingdom.


Evangelization is a responsibility, but for many of us, it's scary.


The thing is, we need not be paralyzed by fear when doing so.


Building a genuine relationship with a pre-believing friend or neighbor, and showing care and concern in everyday situations certainly helps. It is also useful to invite pre-believers to evangelistic events and crusade rallies when they become available.


Or have a conversation starter such as a bible verse on something you use, or as a gift to bless and interest a pre-believer to ask “Who is Daddy God?”, “Who is Jesus Christ?”, “What are God’s promises?” etc.


It is often said that a pre-believer typically needs to come into contact with someone sharing about Jesus approximately 7 times, before being convinced.


Let us all be willing to share of our Daddy God’s love and of Jesus’ finished work at the cross for the purpose of His Great Commission – we only need to plant or nurture the seed in our pre-believing loved ones and neighbors, and trust God to pour out His love into their hearts through the Holy Spirit.