To help you share Jesus when you feel you can't

By providing you with practical resources & tools

Our Story

We desired to share Jesus with our loved ones...

We've all been there.  We have loved ones whom we know really need Jesus.  But it's hard finding a way to start the conversation and even harder knowing the right things to say.

Meet Uncle John

We couldn't get practical, and actionable advice

We went to our pastors, church elders and friends for help. What we noticed was there wasn't alot of practical advice. And even when there was practical advice, it was difficult for ordinary people like us, to take action on.

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We provide practical guidance and tools

We realized that we weren't alone. Many people were struggling in this way, so we decided to start sharing ideas, and creating tools for ourselves. When these worked, we needed to share it with the world.

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I prayed and prayed for years for my husband's family, but I could never find the words. I bought a few different T-shirts from Sharing Lane, and kept wearing them when we went over to visit. The prayer cards and conversation pointers gave me everything I needed to lead them to Christ.  Now, every single one of them is saved.  Praise the Lord!  And thank you Katie, and the team at Sharing Lane! And now my nephews and nieces want those T-shirts too, so you'll be hearing from me soon!

Jenna McKinnon, Houston, TX

My brother got mixed up in the wrong crowd, and was addicted to a number of substances.  I knew the only way out for him was Jesus.  I was never a really good Christian, so I didn't know what to say to him.  I mean, he knew Jesus, but was so lost in his own stuff that he didn't want any one speaking to him about it. Our dad left when he was 3, and I used to blame him for that.  One day, I was inspired to wear one of those "Daddy God" tees when I went to see him.  He insulted me, and my choice of tee shirt, then we spoke for a bit, and I used what I remembered one of the pointers said, "Jesus came so that God can be the perfect Daddy that we never had".  Both of us broke down, and we cried for 20 minutes.  Then my bro gave his life back to Jesus, and he's been free from his addictions ever since.  Thank you Jesus!

Enrique Martinez, Los Angeles, CA

My girlfriend's family were having a really bad time. I could see her mom was spiralling out of control after her 3rd husband left. I grew up in a Christian family, but was never really into it, but some of it must have stuck cos I really wanted to help my girlfriend cos she wasn't having it good either with the state her mom was in.  I just didn't want to get all preachy.  So I got them a couple of mugs and stuff, and got myself and my girl a t-shirt, just to test the waters, see what they say.  I used the prayer pointers and prayed for them.  I just didn't know what else to do.  Then one day, her mom asked me what that was all about.  So I shared what the Sharing Lane team said in the email I read just that morning.  I'm so amazed to say they're all in a good place finally! I was so surprised when her mom started listening, and AGREEING! Only God could help them!  It's a miracle!

Kirk Wagner, Miami, FL

My best friend, Ange, lost her husband to cancer about a year ago. She was really angry, because her husband became a Christian just before he passed on. I didn't know what to say to her because we've been best friends since college, and she's always accepted my faith. One day, while googling randomly, I came across your Sharing Lane website, and got some of your conversation starters.  I didn't know if I would ever have the courage to speak to Ange about this, but I knew I had to.  I used the prayer pointers, and told myself I needed to remember the talking points.  So, over a coffee, I used one of those talking points, and I asked Ange if she would like to be reunited with Frank, and told her how they could all be together with the kids in heaven, if they would all just receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  She didn't really react (which to me was a huge relief, if I'm being honest) but she went to see the pastor who baptized Frank. 3 months later, she brought up the matter, and we spoke more, and tomorrow, I'm going to witness her entire family's baptism!  I just wanted to write to you and let you know the amazing work you are doing!

Deb Morrison, New York, NY